Lilly Diabetes Education

Lilly Diabetes Education contains simple but engaging resources for patients with Type 2 Diabetes to help them understand the progressive nature of the condition. 

Lilly Diabetes Education delivers educational resources to be shared with the patient in the most convenient way for them.

Lilly Diabetes Education includes 5 diabetes disease state videos and 5 treatment class videos. These videos were designed with social media best practices and adult learning principles in mind. They bring together simple language, imagery and analogies to drive engagement and understanding of the implications of Type 2 Diabetes on the body. Patients can explore how different treatments can be important as Type 2 Diabetes progresses over time.

Each video also has been summarized into a 1-page infographic to provide healthcare providers flexibility in how they provide this education to their patients. Healthcare providers will be able to access these resources while in the patient chart to use with their patients in the office or easily send them to patients via email or text.

The SMART on FHIR application is launched from a button within the patient's chart. It reads the patient's demographics data and uses the patient's phone number and email address to distribute the educational resources. Patients can then follow the link on their device of choice and open the resources. Built into the app are utilization statistics, which allow healthcare professionals to review patient engagement.